April 2024
By Richard Fleming
I want to open with warm thanks for all the well wishes for my brother Chris, who recently entered hospice, and for our family. Your words are very meaningful.
I also want to acknowledge the many insightful comments you have made to my posts since I started this blog in August 2022. I have not been responding in the comments section, but I appreciate your thoughts and feedback and have learned much from your perspectives. I am inspired to see how we support each other on this journey into the ages. And it is helpful to learn the strategies people are using to chart their paths forward. Please continue sharing your ideas and experiences.
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Photo courtesy of Aaron Burden
Reminiscence is a common pastime for older folks. When we look back, it is gratifying when our memories yield more smiles than frowns. But it is common to see decisions we made in our youth that we would approach differently, if do-overs were an option. Some people see many things they would change. Others – the fortunate ones – see only a few. Of course, there is little point in dwelling on such matters. The past has passed. Not much can be accomplished by speculating on how we coulda, shoulda, woulda lived our lives differently.
At the same time, it can be an interesting exercise to reflect on decisions made earlier in life and how they impact us today. Doing so might help us understand ourselves better and inform the choices we are confronting today. After all, we old folks are still making decisions in the here and now that will impact who we become in the future. We may be old, cranky, and stiff, but we are still growing and developing. I expect I will be a different person when and if I reach my 80s. And I think that is true for many seniors.
In the spirit of learning and reflecting, I’ve recently been thinking what I would say in a letter to my 16-year-old self. What would I advise that young guy, standing on the threshold of adulthood? While some elements of my letter may be similar to what others would write to their younger selves, much of it is different. When I was young, my situation and my choices were unique to my situation, growing up in the 1950s and 60s in Topeka. For other seniors, their youthful years unfolded in very different situations with very different choices. Their letters sent back in time would reflect their upbringing and their reality.
So, here is what I’ve come up with.
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Dear Richard,
I know you’re getting close to wrapping up your junior year at Topeka High, and you’ve got tests and papers to prepare for. But I hope you can take a few minutes to read this letter from your future. It is impossible for you to know what your life will be like five and a half decades from now. But I want to mention a few things to consider as your childhood wraps up.
Overall, you’re a good person. You’re doing well in school. You have a fair number of friends. You have close connections with some whom you will still be talking with regularly when you’re in your 70s. Be grateful for these friendships. Nurture them. Do not take them for granted.
An area you might want to work on is family connections. While your relationship with mom and dad is good, consider spending more time talking with them about their childhoods and early adult years. You know mom grew up in Baton Rouge and was the first in her family to go to college. But you’ve never talked with her about what it was like growing up in the South, how she decided to go to college, what her two siblings thought of this decision, and why she joined the Army during World War II.
Ditto with dad. His upbringing in New York City during the Great Depression was eventful, but you’ve never asked him much about it. You know he was a paratrooper during WW II and was in active combat zones in the Philippines. He parachuted onto Corregidor and brought back his parachute with a bullet hole in it. But you’ve never sat down with him on a cold Kansas winter night in front of a warm fireplace to ask him how he felt about his wartime experiences.
You should also spend time getting to know your grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. You’ve had little contact with them. Write them letters. Call them on the phone. As your 72-year-old future self, let me tell you I miss knowing more about our family. It is a sizable hole which can no longer be filled in.
Three last pieces of advice: (1) You should exercise more. You’ll feel better and be healthier 50 years from now. Plus it can be fun. (2) Please eat better. Less fast food. Bobo’s burgers are delicious, but they will linger on your frame for decades to come. You will feel better and look better 50 years from now with a healthier diet. (3) It’s probably too late for this last one, but I wish you had signed up for shop class at Roosevelt Junior High. Your life will be so much easier in the years ahead if you know what torx and hex screwdrivers are and understand how to use socket wrenches, ballpeen hammers, and other basic tools.
These suggestions might seem unnecessary or inappropriate. But please consider that your decisions in the next few years will reverberate and echo long into your future. Trust me on this, they will in large measure determine who you will be at age 72. No pressure, young man. Just choose wisely. I’ll be here waiting for you.
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Well, writing this letter was mildly therapeutic. There are so many other things I should have done differently as a youth, but I’m not going to spend a lot of time thinking about them. If I’d lived a perfect life as a teenager, I would likely have become an incredibly boring adult. And, who knows, maybe I would not have ended up living in California and would have had a very different family. I must have made enough good choices as a young fella, since I am happy living in the Bay Area and have a wonderful family.
So, maybe there is little to be gained from writing a letter to my younger self. Perhaps in the spirit of sharing wisdom I should write a letter to my 85-year-old self? Naw, for a couple of reasons that would not be a useful way to spend my time. First of all, the garage still needs to be decluttered. And secondly, if I make it to 85, I’ll likely be even more crotchety and less willing to listen to advice from a young guy who’s only 72 years old. What could he possibly know?
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